Life is either an incredible adventure...or nothing at all

To print: Select File and then Print from your browser's menu.
Download your paper MiG-29 or MiG-25 from the following page:


What you'll need: Scissors, one sheet of heavy 8 ½" x 11" paper and rubber cement, paste or glue.

1. Download the pdf file and print on thick paper.
2. Cut on solid lines. (Don't forget the line between the wing and cockpit!)
3. Start with the body of the jet. Fold down when lines look like this:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Fold up when lines look like this:
- ---- - ---- - ---- - ---- - ---- - ----
5. After folding, open and cover back side of jet in paste or glue and re-fold.
6. Attach wings to top of jet body.
7. Fold nose-piece (shaped like a propeller) over nose of jet and attach with glue to jet.
8. Attach tail pieces (tailplanes) under tailfins.
9. Wait for glue or paste to dry.
10. Let it fly!

CAUTION! These planes can fly at high speed! Collisions could possibly cause injuries, so PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Incredible Adventures is not responsible for any injuries or property damage.

Call for information: 1-800-644-7382

Life is either an incredible adventure or nothing at all!
Incredible Adventures - 8466 Lockwood Ridge Rd. #318, Sarasota, FL 34243 - phone: 800-644-7382 or 941-346-2603
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